Engagement Manager - Halifax, NS, Canada
Ray Bouhlel
“Two quotes drive have always inspired my approach to work. Peter Senge said ‘The gap between vision and current reality is also a source of energy. If there were no gap, there would be no need for any action towards the vision. We call this gap creative tension’. The other is my father’s mantra that ‘Everything you do, you can always do better.’ Living by these two principals, I thrive in environments and teams where pursuits of excellence are the norm.”
About Ray:
Ray graduated from Mount Allison University with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. From the start of his career, Ray has had a passion for combining process improvement with technology to empower organizations. From manufacturing floors to warehouse docks, to retail showrooms, to forecasting and budgeting war rooms, Ray has deployed NetSuite to enable and support countless business functions. Throughout his career, Ray has served clients in the manufacturing, wholesale and distribution, financial, telecommunication, and entertainment sectors – and although his experience spans a variety of business models and customer segments, his heart has always been in the manufacturing and wholesale & distribution worlds; how to make and deliver high-quality products better, faster, and more efficiently.
Industry Specializations:
Wholesale and Distribution, Manufacturing